A Hidden Lake on a Mountain Basal Cell Carcinoma Arising within Verruca Vulgaris in an Uncommon Region

Verruca vulgaris or common warts are benign epidermal growths caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) often found on hands and legs. These lesions are self-limiting varying in number and size and can undergo malignant transformation into SCC. Basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin malignancy originates from the basal layer of skin typically in sunlight-exposed areas. And is diagnosed by doing an Edge wedge biopsy and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) tests. Here we present a case report of Basal Cell Carcinoma within a lesion of Verruca vulgaris over the dorsal aspect of the forearm which is an extremely rare presentation.References:
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