Medical visit activity in Mfoundi division: extend and effect on medical and pharmaceutical practice

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.03.Art015

Authors : Wilfried TIAM, DOHBIT Julius SAMA, Julienne Louise NGO LIKENG, Samira AHMADOU, Martin BAANE


This research focuses on problem related to medical visit in the Mfoundi Division. It is aimed at measuring the extent and effect of the medical visit in medical and pharmaceutical practice in Yaoundé. A mixed, quantitative and qualitative study with descriptive and analytical goals was conducted. It involved a survey carried out over a period of five (5) months from August 1st, 2023 to January 31, 2024 in health facilities of the seven Yaoundé sub-divisions. Data was collected using a questionnaire (either online or physically) self-administered to 464 medical doctors (students, general practitioners, residents or specialists) met in consultation services and an interview guide administered to 12 community and hospital pharmacists. The data obtained was subject to manual and computer processing using SPSS 21, STATA 16 and Excell software. Results revealed that 36.2% of respondents received medical sales representatives (MSR) every day, 62.5% granted an interview to 5 or 10 MSR per week and almost all laid emphasis on the information of their products, on new products and the advantages of the product compared to competing products. The vast majority of respondents believed that relations with MSR were good, and 96.3% found that the medical visit was favorable to their activity. 92.3% of participants admitted to have changed their prescribing habits after the visit of a medical representative and 82.4% of their colleagues saw their prescriptions changed after an interview with a MSR.


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