Acute sleep deprivation on correlates with biomarkers of chronic inflammation in healthy individuals

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.03.Art014

Authors : Parameswari. R. P, Lakshmi Thangavelu, Mohammed Farooq


Lack of adequate sleep and irregular sleep patterns stand as independent factors contributing to chronic inflammation. Sleep deprivation also correlates with the onset of various neurodegenerative diseases, marked by brain protein accumulation leading to memory loss and cognitive decline. This study aims to investigate the connection between sleep deprivation and the pro-inflammatory markers aiming to enhance our comprehension of this relationship and potentially identify future intervention possibilities. The study was conducted with 50 individuals as participants of which 25 were sleep-deprived and 25 had adequate amounts of sleep. The sleep duration details of the individuals were obtained by questionnaire. Blood was withdrawn from all the subjects after due consent from them. Plasma levels of S-100, acetylcholinesterase (AchE), C-reactive protein (CRP) and Complement 3 (C3) were assessed using the ELISA method in the fasted state. The results demonstrated a significant positive correlation between acute sleep deprivation and increased levels of S-100, AchE, CRP and C3 levels in the sleep-deprived individuals when compared to individuals who had adequate sleep. Our exploratory study results suggest that sleep deprivation is associated with increased levels of pro-inflammatory markers in the body. These changes reinforce the notion that sleep deprivation may have detrimental effects on brain health, even in younger individuals. It's essential to study larger groups to distinguish between the impacts of sleep loss and circadian rhythms, understand implications for persistent conditions like those in shift workers, and explore how these effects might interact with other lifestyle choices and genetic factors.


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