Comparative Anti-Obesity Activity of Probiotics with Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) Through GLP 1 and PYY Activity in High Fat Diet Induces Obesity in Rats

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.03.Art007

Authors : P. Rajyalakshmi Devi, M. Vinyas, Vinod Kumar Nelson, Mote Srinath


Microbiota in the intestine produces SCFAs like Butyrate and Propionate through undigested fiber, which plays an important role in metabolic disorders, especially in obesity and type II diabetes. To compare the anti-obesity activity of probiotics with SCFAs through GLP-1 and PYY activity in HFD induced obesity in rats. For the study, rats weighing around 150-200g were chosen, separated into multiple groups, and given Fat-enriched diet for 12 weeks to trigger obesity. SCFAs like Butyrate, propionate (400mg/kg, P.O), and probiotics (108 CFU P.O) were continuously administered to their groups along with the HFD. Weekly once the animal's BW & daily food intake by the animal, and every 15 days once lipid profile, GLP, PYY, insulin, and leptin parameters were measured. After the completion of the study blood was collected through retro-orbital puncture for evaluation of biochemical parameters and animals were anesthetized and sacrificed for organ isolation for histopathological studies. Administration of SCFAs along with Probiotics in HFD-induced Overweight rats led to a notable drop in BW, food intake, fat accumulation, fasting insulin, leptin, and lipids throughout 12 weeks as compared with rats fed with HFD and standard. SCFAs along with probiotics effectively increase HDL levels and reduce LDL. Histopathology examination reveals that fat tissue accumulation was absent in treated groups when compared with only the HFD feed group. Results show that SCFAs are showing a notable decrease in lipid profile, food intake, and body weight than probiotics-treated group possesses significant anti-obesity activity.


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