Exploring Handwashing Practices and Awareness Among Primary School Children in Karongi District, Rwanda: A Cross-Sectional Study

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.03.Art005

Authors : Nteziryayo Theoneste, Basaza K. Robert


Child mortality is a major concern in Africa, particularly due to diarrhoea and respiratory tract infections, which are the leading causes. These diseases are often transmitted through poor handwashing practices. This study aimed to examine the factors that influence handwashing practices, as well as the knowledge, awareness, and actual practices of handwashing among primary school students in the Karongi district, Rwanda. A mixed methods approach was utilized, combining quantitative data gathered through an online questionnaire with qualitative data obtained from semi-structured interviews. Interviews were conducted with teachers and students to gain insight into the existing hygiene practices and support systems in place. The sample size consisted of 583 students and 120 teachers. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 25.0, incorporating Fisher's exact, Chi-square, correlation, and multiple regression tests. Qualitative data was analyzed using NVivo version 14.0. The correlation (r=0.75; p<0.001) and multiple regression analyses demonstrated that knowledge of handwashing practices significantly influenced awareness (r=0.612; p<0.001), the availability of hygiene facilities (r=0.665; p<0.001), and the implementation of hygiene practices. The students and teachers in Karongi possess a certain level of knowledge regarding handwashing techniques. Teachers in all primary schools supported the practice of handwashing. Students were washing their hands with soap and water as a means of reducing the transmission of diseases. However, more emphasis on instilling proper handwashing practices is required. Handwashing campaigns should be utilized to encourage good hygiene practices among children, as the primary schools already have adequate facilities in place.


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