Parental Asthma-Related Knowledge and Asthma Control in their Children in Accra, Ghana

Asthma ranks among the top 20
chronic conditions for the global ranking of disability-adjusted life years in
children and is the most prevalent chronic condition in children. In the
mid-childhood ages of 5–14 years, it is among the top 10 causes. Parental
asthma knowledge is a crucial influencer of management practices and disease
control. To achieve guided self-management, education is one of the six
essential features. Assessing parents' asthma-related knowledge (ARK) is a
significant requirement for improving childhood asthma management. The primary
objective of this study was to document the ARK of parents of children (0-18
years) with asthma and identify how their knowledge impacts the control of the
medical condition in their children in Accra, Ghana. A short questionnaire was
designed and implemented to gather relevant information for the study. We also
determined the number of children using an asthma action plan. A total of 200
questionnaires were administered. The median age of the children in the study
was 10.7 years, with a mean age of 10.0 years. Seventy-one per cent of the
children were males. This variation is based on the standard population, where
asthma in boys is nearly twice as significant as in girls before age 14. Asthma
educators should pay attention to the level of education of the parents of
asthmatic children. The result indicates a higher level of asthma control in
children whose parents have a higher level of education. However, it is
concerning that only 17.2% of children had an asthma action plan, highlighting
the urgent need for action in this area.
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