Prevalence of Geriatric Syndromes among Older Adults Living in the Community in the Central Mahalapye Sub-District, Botswana

study aimed to describe the prevalence of geriatric syndromes among older
adults living in the community. In addition, we evaluated the relationship
between frailty and socio-demographic factors and other geriatric syndromes in
the Central Mahalapye sub-district, Botswana. This cross-sectional study
recruited 414 older adults from the community using the Botswana Pension Office’s
roster. We employed a
systematic random selection method to recruit 160 older adults in
three main villages and we randomly
chose 150 elderly individuals in 10 research villages
also randomly selected using Microsoft
Office. We used the brief-assessment-tool-for-comprehensive-geriatric-assessment
to collect information about geriatric syndromes. We
conducted a multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression to determine
the relationship between the independent variables (sociodemographic factors
and other geriatric disorders) and frailty. Most of older adults had geriatric syndromes, particularly Instrumental-Activity-of-Daily-Living
impairment (n= 328, 79.2%). About half of the participants were at nutrition
risk (n= 261, 63.0%)), had a mood disorder/ depression (n= 237, 57.2%), had
visual impairment (n= 245, 59.2%), or were frail (n= 219, 47.1%). In approximately one-third of cases,
participants reported hearing impairment (n= 127, 30.7%) or having experienced
at least one fall in the past year (n= 117, 28.3%). Factors such as high
education level, living with a partner, urinary incontinence, and cognitive
impairment influenced frailty (p<0.05). We intend to explore the potential
impact of family size (despite pension allowance), alcohol consumption, oral
health issues, and tooth loss on the nutritional vulnerability of elderly
individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular emphasis on Botswana.
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