Wound Healing Property of Herbal Dressing Film Using Chitosan and Peel Extracts of Citrus limetta

DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.SE.24.03.Art010
Authors : Selvaraj Jayaraman, Sridevi Gopathy, Harineesri Dhandapani Sundaraganapathy, Malathy BR, Rajalaxmi V, Srividya Seshadri
Impaired wound healing is one of the serious problems among the diabetic patients. To prevent complications and damage to the skin tissue and promote fibroblastic growth, many biological dressing materials and skin grafting have been employed. The present study fabricated a novel wound healing gel/film (CH-CL) using chitosan (CH) and methanolic peel extract of Citrus limetta (CL) and investigated the potential towards the wound healing process. During this investigation, the peel extract of CL was subjected to GC-MS to reveal the bioactive compounds responsible for various activities of the extract. Moreover, the CL extract was analyzed for its anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The CH-CL film was also subjected to water absorption capacity and folding endurance. The extract was also investigated for its viability using normal keratinocytes cell lines. The physico chemical characterization of the gel was done to reveal the chemical composition using FTIR, XRD and SEM. The GC-MS analysis results clearly indicated that the gel is biocompatible, possessing anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due to its bioactive compounds. Furthermore, the CH-CL film acts as a good water absorbing material with optimum folding endurance which are the key physical properties of a normal wound healing material. Thus, the study concluded that CH-CL gel has been proven as an efficient, cost-economic wound healing gel and can be applied for various types of wounds and other biomedical applications.References:
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