Assessment on Health Status of Adult Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Lower Limb by Western Ontario and McMaster’s Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC): A Study in Chennai City

Adult patients with Osteoarthritis of the Lower Limb (OALL)
is a widely recognized health burden. Western Ontario and McMaster’s
Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) are widely used to assess
osteoarthritis among patients. The study aimed to evaluate the health status of
adult patients with OALL in Chennai City, India using the WOMAC scale. A
cross-sectional study design was used. Respondents who arrived at the hospital
and met the inclusion criteria were selected one after one. One hundred seven patients
diagnosed with OALL participated in the study. Among them, 81 were female
patients and 26 were male patients. To assess the health status of OALL
patients, three instruments were used; the General information questionnaire,
the WOMAC scale and the Self-rated Health status questionnaire. The variables
were evaluated by mean and standard deviation. ANOVA was calculated by using
SPSS Version 21.
The mean ± SD age of the adult patients was 60.42 ±
9.07 years. Experience of pain, stiffness, and performance of daily activities was
significantly worse among female patients with OALL. There is a strong
correlation between the gender and age group of adult patients (Male <0.003
and Female <0.001) and their level of physical suffering. More than half of
the patients (57%) stated that their overall health condition was bad.
significantly impairs the health and daily activities of adult patients in
India. The findings of this study may support policymakers in designing
community-based geriatric health care and health policies.
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