Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge about Usage o Contraceptive Pills among Eligible Couples Post Pone Pregnancy, Kilachery Village

The population in the
world is currently growing at a rate of over 1% per year. Contraceptive use is an
effective primary prevention strategy for reducing maternal mortality. It has
been estimated that the use of effective contraception could avert 90% of
abortion-related and more than 20% of postponing the birth of a first child or
spacing births. Contraceptive use is one of the major factors in stabilizing
population growth. The study aims to assess the level of knowledge and skill in
the usage of contraceptive pills to postpone pregnancy among eligible couples.
The quantitative research approach descriptive research design total of 60
women who were residing at Kilachery village participated in this study and
they were selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique. The
demographic data and knowledge and skills regarding contraceptive usage to postpone
pregnancy assessment were collected by using the self-questionnaire checklist.
The outcome result showed that in the pretest 8(13.3%) of women had adequate
knowledge, 22(36.6%) of women had moderately adequate knowledge and 30(50%)
women had inadequate knowledge whereas in post test 39(65%) of women had
adequate knowledge, 15(21%) of women had moderately adequate knowledge and
6(10%) women had inadequate knowledge.
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