Burnout and Resilience as Predictors of Depression and Anxiety among HIV Naïve Patients in Nigeria
Studies have demonstrated that individuals
living with severe and chronic illnesses, such as HIV, experience heightened
vulnerability to mental health issues, specifically depression and anxiety. This
study examined the effect of burnout and resilience as predictors of depression
and anxiety among HIV naïve patients in Nigeria. 1022 participants were sampled
using a multistage sampling technique from hospitals across the Federal Capital
Territory, Abuja where HIV/AIDS care services are provided. Instruments used
for data collection were the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalized
Anxiety Scale (GAD-7), Conor Davison Resilience Scale (CD-RISC 2), and
Professional Fulfilment Index (PFI). Data collected was analyzed using
descriptive statistics and multiple linear regressions on SPSS version 26.
Results indicated that burnout positively predicted depression R = .677, R2 =
.459, [F (3,977) = 274.934, P<.01], and anxiety R = .721, R2 = .520, [F (3,984)
= 53.966, P<.01] among participants. Similarly, resilience also predicted
depression R =194, R2 = .038, [F (1,996) = 38.774, P<.01], and anxiety R
=194, R2 = .038, [F (1,996) = 38.774, P<.01] among study participants. The study further revealed that burnout and
resilience significantly and jointly predicted depression R =.680, R2 = .463,
[F (2,977) = 419.748, P<.01], and anxiety R =.697, R2 = .486, [F (2,984) =
464.106, P<.01] among participants. Based on the study findings, it is recommended
that there is a need to integrate routine mental health screening and care into
all HIV testing and treatment at ART centres to strengthen HIV prevention and
care outcomes.
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