Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Infiltrated Orthodontic Adhesive – An In-Vitro Study

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.02.Art033

Authors : Aravind Kumar Subramanian, Harsha L


This in-vitro study aims to assess and compare the physical and mechanical properties of a green synthesized (novel) Titanium dioxide nanoparticle infiltrated orthodontic adhesive with conventional orthodontic adhesive. A total of twenty disk-shaped specimens were fabricated by condensing the composite resin in a stainless-steel metal mold having a circular shape (10 x 2 mm) and polymerizing it using blue light (470nm). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to characterize the TiO2 NPs. The results of physical properties such as colour stability, and surface roughness showed no significant mean difference and the microhardness of two orthodontic adhesives showed a significantly greater hardness for conventional adhesives. Conventional orthodontic adhesive showed significantly increased compressive strength and greater tensile strength for novel TiO2-NPs infiltrated orthodontic adhesive (p>0.05). The results also showed improved mechanical properties for both groups.


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