The Effectiveness of the Moral Rehabilitation Program with the Concept of Religion and Spirituality for Adolescents with Drugs
The development process
among adolescents is now increasingly changing in parallel with the development
changes in the exposure of technology to that group. This causes changes to the
adaptation process among adolescents including moral rehabilitation programs.
Cases of drug abuse among adolescents, which are increasing day by day, require
an effective moral rehabilitation program for the group to recover from the
problem. Addressing drug use among adolescents is a significant concern, as it
can have detrimental effects on their physical and mental health, academic
performance, and overall well-being. Adolescents may experiment with drugs for
various reasons, including curiosity, peer pressure, coping with stress, or
seeking a sense of belonging. This study was carried out to look at the
effectiveness of the rehabilitation program with a religious and spiritual
concept offered at Tunas Bakti School Teluk Air Tawar, Penang as an effort to
rehabilitate adolescents involved in drug abuse and to see the acceptance of
the youth towards the moral rehabilitation program with a religious and
spiritual concept. Data for this study has been collected using questionnaires
and in-depth interviews. Quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire was
analysed using the SPSS software. Based on this analysis, the effectiveness of
the moral rehabilitation program is high and has a strong relationship with the
youth's acceptance of the rehabilitation program carried out. The results of
this study can be used to improve and improve moral rehabilitation programs for
adolescents’ moral rehabilitation institutions in this country.
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