Drug Resistance and Mutation Patterns Among Tuberculosis Patients in National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Training Centre Zaria

(TB) has afflicted humans for millennia and continues to pose a significant
threat to public health worldwide. The World Health Organization classified TB
as one of the top 10 causes of death globally, with approximately 10 million
new cases and 1.4 million TB associated deaths in 2019 alone. Tuberculosis has
high prevalence rates in certain regions, including Nigeria. Traditional
diagnostic methods for TB and drug resistance diagnosis have limitations in
accuracy and speed, highlighting the need for continuous studies on advanced
molecular techniques. The study assessed the prevalence of tuberculosis and
drug resistance among patients attending the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy
Training Centre (NTBLTC), Saye Zaria using molecular techniques, with the aim
of contributing to the improvement of diagnosis, treatment, and control
strategies for tuberculosis. The cross-sectional study involved 342 suspected
TB patients. Samples collected were analysed by microscopy, GeneXpert MTB/RIF
and Line probe Assays. The results of this study showed an overall prevalence
rate of 39.5% (p<0.05) of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis determined from
GeneXPert MTB/RIF positive confirmed cases. further assay using Line Probe
Assay (LPA) revealed an MDR-TB prevalence rate of 18(5.3%). Poly-resistance was
also detected in 2 (0.58%). However, no Pre-Extensively Drug Resistant
Tuberculosis (Pre-XDR-TB) and Extensively Drug Resistant-Tuberculosis (XDR-TB)
were found. The overall results showed a slight but comparable rise in the
prevalence of MTB against reviewed studies while the MDR-TB prevalence was
lower. The study underscores the need for early diagnosis and treatment of TB to
stall the occurrence of MDR-TB and other forms of severe TB infections.
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