Assessment of the Factors Associated with the Integration of Nutrition Care Services into the Health Care System in Ntungamo District

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.02.Art003

Authors : Twinomuhwezi Benja, Birungi BK Valentine, Katusiime Hope


This study explored the integration of nutrition care services into the Health Care System in Ntungamo District. The study also described the knowledge and attitude of staff on the integration of Nutrition care services in Public Health facilities, to identify the systems and structures in place for promoting the integration of nutrition care services into Health Care system in Public Health Facilities and to examine the available policies and guidelines on integration of Nutrition care services in Public Health facilities in Uganda, and their utilization in Ntungamo District. It was a cross-sectional descriptive study involving 196 respondents and carried out in one hospital and three HCIVs. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.0 while qualitative data was analyzed using thematic and content analysis. Most of the respondents, 151, (77%), said that some facilities don’t conduct nutrition care community mobilization and sensitization while 45 (23%) of the respondents mentioned that they conduct nutrition care community mobilization and sensitization. It can be concluded that there was minimal integration of Nutrition care services in Public Health facilities in Ntungamo District. It is recommended that the district should increase funding to nutrition activities in the district budget and work plan as well as conduct training to improve on capacity building of all health workers including Doctors and clinical officers.


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