Awareness of Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Events Among Undergraduate Healthcare Professionals

word atherosclerosis consists of two parts: atherosis (accumulation of fats accompanied
by several macrophages) and sclerosis (fibrosis layer comprising smooth muscle
cells. The presence of hyperlipaemia is the major risk issue factor for
coronary artery disease. In 2016 advances in atherosclerosis research were
focused on the discovery and validation of newly targeted genetics and
mechanistic connection to atherothrombotic heart diseases. The Survey on
awareness about the risk factors and complications of liver cirrhosis among
college students was conducted using a Google form link. We have distributed
our survey among 100 college students. Pie charts and Bar diagrams were used to
represent output variables. Results showed that the knowledge of cardiovascular
54.00 % said No and 46.00 % said yes. Stroke caused due to lack of blood supply
to 44.00 % said heart, 50.00 % said brain, and 6.00 % said I don’t know. These
findings conclude that the majority of the population is unaware of the risk
factors such as obesity, LDL, and family history, which lead to the development
of atherosclerosis, but only a few populations are aware of stress, smoking,
coronary heart attack, cholesterol, sleep apnea, HDL, work pressure, physical
activity, heart disease, and coronary disease that leads to atherosclerosis.
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