Guardians of Liver Health: Unveiling the Resilient Shield of Antioxidant Vitamins (C, E) Against Glyphosate-Induced Havoc in Experimental Rats

Glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, has gained popularity due to its broad-spectrum effects and use in genetically modified, glyphosate-resistant crops. Recent data, however, points to possible adverse effects of glyphosate and herbicides based on glyphosate, such as genotoxic and cytotoxic effects, elevated stress levels, disturbance of the hormones such as estrogen pathway and possible associations with specific cancer types. This has raised concerns about the widespread use of glyphosate and its impact on human health and the environment. The objective of this study was to determine whether antioxidants vitamin C and E could shield experimental rats' livers from the damaging effects of glyphosate. Animals were grouped as Group I-control, 30 days of oral glyphosate-treated rats as Group II, and Rats that received simultaneous glyphosate treatment and oral administration of vitamins C and E were for 30 days as Group III. We used the user's manual to figure out the fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels, the histomorphology of liver tissue using H&E staining, and the liver and kidney function tests using Diatek Greiner kits. The study revealed that prolonged exposure to glyphosate can alter the SREBPI and HNF1 pathways, leading to diabetes. As an herbicide, glyphosate can cause harmful changes in vital organs, leading to diabetes and other disorders.
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