Molecular Docking of Phytochemicals from Adhatoda vasica Against Caries, Periodontitis and Inflammatory Mediators – A Computational Study

Orthodontic treatment is associated
with pain, difficulty in plaque control, caries incidence, and slow movement of
teeth. Authors hypothesize that the answer to these questions may lie in
phytochemicals which are a huge unexplored area. Due to previous reports on Adhathoda
vasica about its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, its use in
orthodontics is explored in the dry lab scenario. This can be considered as a
preliminary step to study the herb in great detail for use in orthodontic
therapy. Computational algorithms from Auto Dock version 4 were used in the
study. Vasicine, Vasinone, Vasicoline and Anisotine were analysed against
Glucosyltransferase (GFT) of Streptococcus mutans, Gingipain K - Porphyromonas
gingivalis, FIM A of Porphyromonas gingivalis, TNF ALPHA and Prostaglandin H
synthases. Compounds exerted promising inhibiting action against Streptococcus
mutans, Gingipain K, FimA, TNF-alpha and prostaglandin E2. The said
phytochemicals - Vasicine, Vasicinone, Vasicoline and Anisotine can further be
explored for proper delivery to saliva, periodontal region and to bone for
effective use during and after orthodontic treatment.
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