One Pot Synthesis of Colloidal Zirconium Nanoparticles using Orthosiphon Stamineus Leaf Extract for Potential Bone Tissue Engineering Applications

(ZrO2) is a metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) possessing antimicrobial,
antifungal, antioxidant, biosensing, biocompatibility, and anticancer activities.
Due to their unique properties, ZrNPs can be used for multiple biomedical applications.
Orthosiphon stamineus (OS) is a perennial medicinal herb with potent bioactive constituents.
Traditionally, it was used in treating rheumatism, epilepsy, jaundice, hepatitis,
etc, Hence OS could be used as a capping agent for synthesizing ZrO2NPs.
The current study aimed to synthesize ZrO2NPs using a green source like
Orthosiphon stamineus(OS) leaves extract and characterized using UV spectrophotometry,
FTIR, SEM, EDX, and their biocompatibility was tested using Annexin V apoptosis
assay. Milky precipitation formed, followed by the addition of OS extract to the
aqueous solution of Zirconium oxychloride Octahydrate, revealed the formation of
ZrO2NPs was further confirmed by the maximum absorbance at 296 nm in
the UV-Vis spectrum. The peaks in the fingerprint region of FTIR revealed the presence
of the functional groups of the phytoconstituents, confirming the capping. Apoptosis
assay revealing the strong biocompatibility of ZrO2NPs towards peripheral
blood mononuclear cells with 77.64% cell viability. From the apoptosis assay, it
was evident that ZrO2NPs are less cytotoxic, indicating their applicability
for medicinal applications. However further studies are required to validate its
actions on bone tissue engineering.
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