A Cross-Sectional Study Evaluating the Contribution of Systems and Structures to Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Three Selected University Teaching Hospital Complexes in Sierra Leone: An Analysis of Key Factors

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a
global security threat that poses a significant risk to humanity. Addressing AMR
requires effective organizations and processes. This study investigates the systems
and structures that may contribute to tackling AMR in three Sierra Leonean University
Teaching Hospital Complexes.The hospitals were selected based on their high patient
load and availability of laboratory facilities for AMR testing, pharmaceuticals,
and infection prevention and control (IPC) programs. Healthcare administrators and
unit leaders were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. The reliability
of the questionnaires was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The questionnaire
was pretested to ensure its validity and reliability. The findings indicate that
nurses constitute a significant portion of the health workforce in the three institutions.
PCMH Hospital showed the best monitoring system, covering 78% of the essential components,
including, IPC guidelines, antibiotic stock verification and waste and antibiotic
disposal monitoring. Connaught Hospital also met 56% of these requirements. The
study showed a significant correlation between hospital bed capacity and the average
patient volume (p < 0.05), with higher bed capacities resulting in higher patient
volume. In addition, the correlation analysis revealed a significant association
between effective monitoring mechanisms and the presence of an antibiotic stewardship
program (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the availability of laboratory departments significantly
influenced microbiological culture and sensitivity testing capabilities (p <
0.05), with a higher number of departments resulting in more efficient microbiological
testing for antibiotic resistance. This study highlights the importance of enhancing
the systems and structures of hospitals, to effectively combat AMR.
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