The Prevalence and Causes of Musculoskeletal Pain among Farmers in the Volta Region of Ghana: A Cross Sectional Study

Musculoskeletal pain (MSK) disorder is considered
one of the prime causes of severe long-term pain and physical disabilities acquired
globally. Ghanaians especially, farmers have to go through vigorous physical farm
activities to achieve desired output of farm activities. In the Volta Region, MSK
pain has ranked among the top three reported cases at the Ho Teaching Hospital.
Whilst, the quantum of reported cases is known, and treated at the hospital, the
actual causes are not. Coupled with the fact that prevalence and probably the causes
would differ from profession to profession the proposed research is aimed at addressing
this among farmers. The overall goal of the study was to determine the prevalence
and causes of MSK pain among farmers in the Volta Region of Ghana. 212 farmers were
randomly selected for the study. Cross-sectional surveys were
carried out to obtain the demographic and socio-economic status of the patients
consenting to participate in the studies. Both, qualitative and quantitative statistical
methods were employed to determine any association between the farming methods,
tools used and the type of MSK pains. The most prevalent locations of MSK pain among
farmers were the lower back, upper back, right and left knees. The possible causes of MSK
pain reported by farmers in the Volta Region were by walking or by other transportation
(riding bicycles and motorbikes) or using implements such as cutlass, hoe and spraying
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