Sella Turcica Bridging and its Association with Dental Anomalies - An Update

The Sella turcica is an anatomical
structure shaped explicitly like a saddle, located within the middle cranial fossa
on the intracranial surface of the sphenoid bone. This structure is commonly observed
on lateral cephalograms, frequently employed for orthodontic diagnosis. The Cephalometric
radiographs utilize various landmarks as reference points to examine craniofacial
structures and Sella Turcica (ST) is the most significant and reliable cranial landmark.
The Sella point, located at the midpoint of the ST structure, is a cranial base
point that accommodates the pituitary gland. The cephalometric analysis relies on
this factor to identify pituitary gland-related pathologies, making it a valuable
source of information for craniofacial syndromes. Facial structure development exhibits
comparable characteristics to the Sella turcica. Glandular abnormalities possess
the potential to be linked to functional disorders, which can result in altered
hormonal levels affecting dental growth. Comprehensive understanding of the radiological
anatomy and variations help assess growth and identify changes in various anomalies
or pathological conditions. Additionally, it can assist in predicting the potential
outcome of orthodontic treatment. The objective of this review is to determine and
update whether a correlation exists between the bridging of Sella turcica and various
dental anomalies related to the shape, size, structure, number, and eruption of
teeth. In conclusion, it was noted that Sella turcica bridging is frequently observed
in orthodontic patients measuring a clear correlation between dental anomalies and
Sella bridging.
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