Co-relation between ART (Anti-Retroviral Therapy) Adherence with Nutritional Status and Quality of Life among HIV-Infected Adolescents

treatment for Perinatally Infected Adolescents (PIA) faces physical challenges like
the risk of co-morbidity, deferred growth, and development, often resulting in late
puberty in girls, and stunting/wasting makes it difficult to reach the transition
phase of adulthood. The
study aims to identify the correlation between ART adherence with nutritional status
and QOL and find the association between adherence scores with selected demographic
variables among adolescents. A randomized Controlled Trial design was adopted. Through
simple random technique, a total of 388 HIV-infected adolescents were divided into experimental (195)
and control (193) groups. The data were collected from four ART clinics in Chennai,
India, through standardized ART adherence, QOL, and structured nutritional assessment
questionnaires. Motivational counselling was given to the experimental group, and
the researcher demonstrated selected asanas. The data were collected from both groups
at ‘0’, ‘3’ & 6-month intervals. Descriptive & inferential statistics were
used for the analysis of data. Regarding
correlation, in the experimental group, baseline assessment showed poor correlation,
but in the 3rd & 6th months there was a fair and moderate
correlation found and was significant at p=0.05** and P=0.001*** respectively. Whereas
in a control group, throughout the assessment period showed that, there was a poor
correlation. Regarding association,
showed adolescents' age, sex, sex of caregivers, relationship with adolescents,
and residence were found significant. Motivational counseling along with asana has a
positive correlation to ART adherence to promote the health and well-being of adolescents
in the experimental group than in the control group.
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