Vaccine Management Practices Among Healthcare Workers in Northwestern State, Nigeria: A Comparative Study

Effective vaccine stock management is
one of the criteria for a functional vaccine supply chain. The study evaluated vaccine
management practices among healthcare workers in equipped and non-equipped public
health facilities in Jigawa State, Northwest Nigeria. A cross sectional comparative
study was conducted to assess vaccine management knowledge and practices amongst
healthcare workers rendering routine immunization. A multistage sampling technique
was used for the selection of respondents. A semi-structured questionnaire was used
to obtain information from respondents. Level of significance set at p<0.05.
There was a significant difference for response on vaccine vail monitors are the
only temperature monitoring devices that routinely accompany vaccines throughout
the entire supply chain among healthcare workers from equipped health facilities
213 (77.2%) as compared to those from non-equipped health facilities 63 (22.8%).
There was a statistical difference in attitude of vaccines and cold chain management
between both groups. Respondents from equipped health facilities had good practices
of vaccines and cold chain management as compared to those from non-equipped health
facilities. The study revealed that healthcare workers from equipped health facilities
had good knowledge and positive attitude on vaccines and cold chain management as
compared to their counterparts from non-equipped health facilities. Drivers of effective
vaccine stock management are length of years working in health facilities, good
knowledge, and practices on vaccine stock management as evident among healthcare
workers from equipped health facilities. Findings from this study could be used
to improve effective vaccine stock management at the state, LGA, and health facility
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