Assessment of the Impact of Caregivers Complementary Feeding Knowledge on Undernutrition among Children 6 to 36 Months in Borno State, Nigeria

This paper
is an assessment of the impact of Caregivers complementary feeding Knowledge on
undernutrition among children 6-36 Months in Borno state. Large-scale renewables
raise new challenges and provide new opportunities across Health systems. The paper
considers the barriers faced by health workers and caregivers in Maiduguri Metropolitan
Council in providing nutritional services to infants. We review the current state
of knowledge in relation to nutrition. This paper then explores key issues in health
and nutrition system structure, the main challenges to the uptake of renewables,
and the various existing fiscal and policy approaches to encouraging health services.
We also highlight possible ways of moving forward to ensure more widespread health
management systems.
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