Barriers to Uptake of Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV among Adolescents’ Young boys and Girls an Assessment of Cross River North Nigeria

Antiretroviral pre-exposure
prevention (PrEP) to stop HIV transmission was 1st approved by the USA Food and
Drug Administration in 2012. Despite correlations of decreases in new HIV
infections being greatest wherever PrE-exposure prophylaxis has been deployed,
the uptake of PrE-exposure prophylaxis is insulant, significantly among
populations with disproportionate HIV burden. This narrative review seeks to
spot individual and general barriers to PrE-exposure prophylaxis usage in
African country. A comprehensive search of recent literature uncovered a fancy
array of structural, social, clinical, and behavioral barriers, as well as
knowledge/awareness of PrE exposure prophylaxis, perception of HIV risk, stigma
from care suppliers or family/partners/friends, distrust of care
providers/systems, access to school assignment, prices of PrE exposure
prophylaxis, and issues around school assignment facet effects/medication
interactions. significantly, these barriers might have totally different
effects on specific populations in danger. The complete potential of PrE-exposure
prophylaxis for HIV interference won't be realized till these problems area
unit self-addressed. Ways to realize this goal ought to embody academic
interventions, innovative approaches to delivery of HIV care, resource, and DE
stigmatization of PrE-exposure prophylaxis and PrE-exposure prophylaxis users. Until
then, PrE-exposure prophylaxis `uptake can still be suboptimal, significantly
among people who would like it most. Results: Stigma influences uptake of
pre-exposure prophylaxis; HIV risk perception does not affect uptake of
pre-exposure prophylaxis; and a significant negative relationship between
stigma and pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake. Conclusion: This study was
conducted to investigate barriers to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis. Significant
findings of the study conclude: stigma influences uptake of oral pre-exposure
prophylaxis for HIV.
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