Prevalence of Antepartum Hemorrhage in Two Referral Hospitals in Douala-Cameroon

A few years after the implementation
of policies to combat maternal mortality, antepartum hemorrhage, which is one of
the main causes, is not systematically documented to the point where we are left
to wonder what it is prevalence in the major cities of Cameroon. This study was
conducted in the Gynecological and Obstetric units of the Laquintinie hospital and
the General hospital of the city of Douala, from May 01, 2020, to April 30, 2022,
has been to determine the prevalence of antepartum hemorrhage in Douala. It included
166 women who had had antepartum hemorrhage. The data collected with an indirect
self-administered questionnaire was processed by SPSS 23. Following this treatment,
participants had an average age of 31.28 ± 6.33 years. The prevalence of antepartum
hemorrhage in the two hospitals was 3.47% and of 166 cases, 51.80% had placenta
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