Prevalence and Determining Factors of Undernutrition among Under-five Children in Three Local Government Areas of Niger State, Nigeria

The Nigerian economy depression,
Covid 19 pandemic, nationwide insecurity, and global warming are quartile factors,
that affected the already compromised nutritional status of under-five children
in the country, with a resultant increase in morbidity and mortality. A community-based
cross-sectional study was undertaken using two-stage cluster sampling method in
Suleja, Tafa, and Gurara LGAs of Niger state. Data from 2350 under-fives were collected
using questionnaires, and anthropometric measurements. WHO growth standard was used
to determine the prevalence; multivariate logistic regression in IBM explored statistically
significant independent variables associated with stunting, underweight and wasting
using p-value of < 0.05. Prevalence of stunting was 47.4%, underweight 32.7%,
and wasting 22.6% respectively. Severe stunting and underweight were higher in Suleja,
severe wasting in Gurara, and male children were more affected by all indicators.
Age of child, LGA, mother and father education, marital status, exclusive breastfeeding,
and duration of breastfeeding; source and buying of drinking water, family type,
maternal knowledge about malnutrition, and health seeking behavior of mothers were
found as determinants. Under-five mortality is a good indicator of the health, and
economic status of any community; thus, the health of under-fives needs the utmost
attention. The high prevalence from the study is critical; a critical approach is
urgently needed at the family, community, local government, state, and national
levels with other stakeholders; to ensure under-fives receive adequate, quality,
and affordable nutrients for health, and growth. Accessible, prompt, and sustainable
interventions for identified cases are of utmost importance.
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