Plasmid Profile of Environmental and Clinical Isolates of Multidrug Resistant Salmonella Typhimurium from Patients Attending General Hospital Asokoro, Abuja and Environ

Plasmid is
isolated from Salmonella typhimurium, an enteric bacterium responsible for gastro
enteritis. Gastro enteritis remains a major clinical and public health problem all
over the world, especially among children in the developing countries of the sub
– Sahara Africa. The profiling of plasmid isolate of Salmonella typhimurium involved
cultivation, isolation, identification, and characterization. The study aimed at investigating the multidrug resistance
of salmonella typhimurium of patients attending General Hospital Asokoro with typhoid
fever and the susceptibility of isolates to antibiotics. A total of thirty (30) samples, from blood, stool, and water were
collected from patients attending General hospital, Asokoro and the environs. The
specimens were analyzed using standard microbiological, biochemical, and serological
techniques. Bacteriological analysis revealed that
twenty-five (25) of the specimens were positive for Salmonella typhimurium. The
other five (5) specimens were negative for salmonella typhymurium typhimurium. The
biochemical test revealed that they were able to utilize sugar and are lactose fermenter.
Anti-microbial susceptibility determination revealed that the most active drugs
against salmonella include Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Amikacin, and Gentamicin. All
the isolates were resistant to tetracycline and Ampicillin. There was marked resistance
of all isolates to amoxicillin, doxycycline, and chloramphenicol. The result of findings revealed that the genes that
encode resistance properties in Salmonella typhimurium are plasmid- borne in some
of the bacteria. These plasmids can be cloned and used for genetic engineering and
recombinant DNA technology. The antibiotic susceptibility determined the appropriate
drugs efficient for therapy of Salmonella infections.
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