Impact of Awareness Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Covid-19 Digital Apps among Health Workers

applications, which can be easily accessible through android mobiles or tablets,
were highly helpful for the front-line Covid workers. Numerous Digital applications
were developed during the Covid pandemic, which helped in contact tracing, consultations, vaccine registration, and other related
information specifically for Covid-19. Health workers in the Urban Primary Health Centres
were the gross root health care workers who were frequently utilised in the Covid relief
work. The objectives of the study were to assess the Pre &
Post-test level of Knowledge and attitude on digital applications (Covid-19) among health workers, to assess
the impact of the awareness programme on Covid
19 digital applications, to find the correlation between the level of Knowledge
and attitude on digital application (Covid-19)
A quantitative research approach of pre-experimental one group pre & post-test
design was adopted. 30 Health workers from Urban Primary Health Centres, Chennai,
were selected through a non-probability convenient sampling technique. The
Knowledge was assessed through a structured questionnaire & attitude was assessed
through a 5-point Likert scale developed by the investigators. The study presented
7.4 & 0.9 as the mean difference for Knowledge & attitude, respectively
and found significance at p ≤ 0. 05. There was a positive correlation between Knowledge
and attitude with ‘r’ value of 0.06 and found significant relation at p ≤ 0.01.
The awareness programme developed was found effective among the health workers,
and they could utilise the digital applications without doubt and hesitancy after
the awareness programme developed by investigators.
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