Reasons for Victimization and Help-Seeking Behavior of HIV-Positive Men Affected by Intimate Partner Violence in Birnin Kudu, Northern Nigeria

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is traditionally
viewed in the context of men as being the perpetrators of violence against women,
the victims. Reports of female perpetrated violence against men living with HIV
are relatively few in the literature. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study
that utilized an interviewer-administered questionnaire to identify the reasons
for IPV and help-seeking response to IPV among 322 men living with HIV in Birnin
Kudu, Jigawa state, Nigeria. Data were analyzed using SPSS. The prevalence of IPV
among men in the study period was 45% (145/322). Out of the 145 respondents that
experienced IPV in the year preceding the survey, 72 (49.7%) felt the IPV was related
to domestic problems, 70 (48.3%) ascribed it to the disclosure of their HIV status,
while 48 (33.1%) attributed it to ‘poor upbringing’ on the part of their spouse.
About a third of the respondents (n= 51; 35.2%) did not report the incident to anyone;
out of those that reported the incident, 94 (64.8%) sought help from informal and
formal sources, 48 (51.1%) sought help from their in-laws, and 37 (39.4%) sought
help from healthcare workers. Domestic problems, disclosure of HIV status, and poor
upbringing of the female perpetrators were the commonest reasons for IPV as perceived
by the respondents. The majority of the victims sought help from their in-laws and
healthcare workers following the episodes of IPV directed at them. Efforts should
be made to screen HIV-positive men for IPV during visits to ART clinics.
Keywords: Help-seeking, HIV, Intimate partner
violence, Men, Northern Nigeria, Reasons.
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