Drinking Water Radiological Quality Determination Based on Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Using Liquid Scintillation Counting (Lsc)

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Authors : Reynold V. Luna, Jose Paolo O. Bantang, William D Agagas



Water is very ample and covers about two-thirds of the planet. However, most of it is saline water and only 2.5% is fresh water. In this small percentage, two thirds of it is locked in polar ice caps, 20% can be found in remote areas and only 0.08% is accessible for daily use [1].

Potable water is essential for the survival of human life. Without water, our existence is threatened. However, potable water coming directly from ground water should undergo different purifying techniques to ensure contaminant free water. The Philippine Government targets in 2010 to provide 92 to 96 percent of the people of safe drinking water [2].

One of the possible contaminants present in water is radioactive substances. Radioactive substances such as radium, uranium and thorium occur naturally in the environment [3]. This study aims to determine the radiological quality of potable water using liquid scintillation counting. This assesses the gross alpha and beta particles, known to be internal hazards, present in water. 


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