Factors Associated with the Development of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Inmates in Four (4) Correctional Facilities of Copperbelt Province -Zambia

Correctional facilities have often been cited as reservoirs for Tuberculosis
(TB), presenting a potential threat to the general population. Although correctional
facilities are recognized as ideal settings for interventions, little is known about
the TB epidemiology within them. The purpose of my study was to determine factors
associated with the development of pulmonary tuberculosis among inmates in the selected
correctional facilities of Copperbelt province of Zambian. The design of the study
was a descriptive cross-sectional study that aimed at determining factors associated
with the development of PTB among inmates, a case study of Ndola Remand, Chingola,
Luanshya, and Mufulira Correctional Facilities. A semi-structured self-administered
questionnaire was used to obtain data regarding factors associated with the development
of PTB amongst inmates. From the total of 384 study participants, 143 had records
of having PTB during the research period, and 241 had no records of having TB disease.
With evidence obtained from this study has identified the areas that need attention
in terms of control and prevention of TB in the four (4) correctional facilities. Furthermore, the factors associated with
TB positivity in the present study included HIV status, sharing of cells with TB
patients, and cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption.
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