Segregation Practices by Health Workers in Urban Hospitals - A Step Necessary to Achieve Minimization and Effective Biomedical Waste Management

Effective segregation practice of biomedical waste is a critical
process in hospital waste management and maintenance of a ‘risk-free’ health care
environment. Failure to appropriately identify and isolate infectious from non-infectious
wastes could lead to a myriad of health and biomedical waste management issues,
which include high risk of cross-contamination, high risk of infection, difficulty
in the assessment of waste generation, categorization, and composition of hospital
waste. The aim of this study is to assess the segregation practice among health
workers in selected hospitals in Abuja towards achieving effective waste management.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted among 430 participants from
six hospitals in Abuja. Data were collected using a pretested, structured questionnaire
and on-the-spot observation. Reliability analysis and descriptive statistics were
employed for the analysis of data. Most of the respondents agreed to the segregation
at the point of generation 366 (91.5%), majority of the respondents supported the
use of color-coded bins for segregation. The Cronbach’s alpha α = 0.830, loading
factor (0.601- 0.949) which indicates that the measuring tool was reliable and the
items on the questionnaire showed co-relatedness and consistency. The study revealed
that most of the respondents were sensitized and practiced the process of segregation.
Although these practices were observed on the spot, they could later change thus,
sustenance of these practices is expedient to maintain a lasting and workable waste
management framework. Government and hospital waste management team to prioritize
the segregation process through an adequate budget for supplies of segregation materials.
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