Patterns of Substance use among Young People in Ado Ekiti, Southwest, Nigeria

The patterns of tobacco smoking, alcohol, and
illicit drugs use by young people has presented new public health
challenges in lower-middle-income countries like Nigeria. The goal of this study
was to assess the patterns of substance use among young people in Ado Ekiti, Southwest,
Nigeria. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out among 415 enrolled
young people aged 10-24years in Ado Ekiti, Southwest, Nigeria between August 2021,
and January 2022. Information on the pattern of substance use was obtained from
the respondents using an adapted and pretested structured questionnaire. Enrolled
study participants from the four selected geographical areas were randomly chosen
using a multistage cluster sampling method. The analysis was done using SPSS version
20; quantitative outcomes were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result from
this study showed that the prevalence of current use of at least one psychoactive
substance among the respondents was 69.9%. The most current used substance by the
respondents was alcoholic beverages (42.4%) followed by cigarettes (28.3%), cannabis
(7.2%), and tramadol (6.6%). The study also revealed that the lifetime rate of alcohol
use decreased with age, while cigarette smoking increased with age. This study had shown that alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and cannabis
are the most abused substances by the participants in this location. Intervention
strategies that will reduce the rate of substance use among the younger population
to the barest minimum are paramount, particularly within the health education arena.
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