The Associations between Mental Health Literacy and HIV-related Treatment Outcomes among HIV/AIDS Outpatients in Vietnam

Data about mental health literacy and its associations with HIV-related treatment outcomes are both sparsely reported and presented with disparate results. This study aimed to assess the mental health performance among HIV/AIDS outpatients and examine the correlations between Mental Health Literacy Scale (MHLS) with some pre-specified HIV-related treatment outcomes, including clinical status, HIV-RNA suppression, antiretroviral (ART) failure, and treatment adherence. We conducted a single-center, cross-sectional study between June and October 2020 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Adult HIV-infected patients were enrolled in the study when they routinely attended an outpatient clinic to receive medical consultations and antiretroviral therapy. Bivariate logistic regressions were used to study the associations between MHLS and major HIV-related health outcomes. A total of 406 HIV-infected participants were enrolled during the study period. The median MHLS among HIV/AIDS patients was 99 (Interquartile range (IQR): 93-107). Roughly 93% of patients were clinically stable, with a median CD4 count of 603 cells/µl. Two-thirds of patients achieved HIV-RNA suppression (undetectable threshold < 20 copies/ml). A total of thirteen (3.2%) patients were undertaking protease-inhibitors-based second-line ART regimens. The ART compliance of participants was evaluated at 92.1%. The logistic bivariate analyses did not show any significant correlations between mental health literacy with both pre-specified HIV-related health outcomes and ART adherence. The mental health performance among the HIV/AIDS outpatients at the HIV community-based clinic was at the intermediate level. The mental health literacy of patients was not statistically associated with the pre-specified HIV treatment outcomes.
Keywords: Adherence, Antiretroviral therapy, HIV treatment outcomes, Mental health literacy, Vietnam.
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