Socio Demographic Profiles of Enuresis among Primary School Children

Enuresis is defined in many different ways, but the common
thread to all involves a lack of bladder control after 5 years of age, an age when
most children would be expected to have achieved bladder control. Nocturnal enuresis
is best regarded as a condition with different etiologies. Many aetiological theories
have been proposed, with the cause of nocturnal enuresis now regarded as heterogeneous.
This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study of primary school children aged between
6-12 years. The study was conducted in
Borno State in the northeastern part of Nigeria, West Africa. The sample size is
560, with 260(52.1%) males and 239 (47.9%) females. The ages of the respondents
ranged from 6 to 12 years, with a mean age of 9.47 years and a Standard Deviation
(SD) of ±1.85. Nine variables, namely age, gender, home environment, maternal education/occupation,
paternal education/occupation, family size, and family history of enuresis among
siblings at 95% CI were considered. The
variables that have a significant relationship with enuresis when the chi 2
test was used were further subjected to logistic regression analysis. The children’s
sex, age group, family history, fathers’ education, and occupation were found to
have statistical significance in predicting bedwetting among children. Health educators
and primary care health staff should obtain detailed history not to miss patients
with enuresis, and parents should be informed about the psychological effects of
Enuresis and to seek appropriate treatment for their children.
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