Comparative Anti–Alzheimer’s Potential Evaluation of Curcumin and Curcumin Analogues obtained from ZINC Database: An in-Silico Validation

Curcumin and its eleven analogues obtained from the ZINC database were screened
for its anti-Alzheimer’s potential validated through in silico approach. Curcumin,
eleven curcumin analogues from the ZINC database, and six standard anti-Alzheimer’s
drugs were obtained from SWISS ADME and Pub chem database. All obtained molecules
were subjected to drug-likeness, molecular docking, and ADMET analysis. Curcumin
and eleven curcumin analogues show no violations against five drug-likeness rules,
whereas 2 standard drugs (CID_11269353, CID_46883536) out of 5 screened standard drug molecules shows violations
in drug likeness property. Curcumin and curcumin analogues
possess docking scores in the range of -7.5 to 9.9 Kcal/mol, whereas reference standard
drugs docking score lies in the range of -6.4 to -11.0 Kcal/mol against all three
Alzheimer’s disease molecular targets. Finally, our present study has proven that
curcumin analogues possess some novel anti-Alzheimer’s
properties over curcumin and standard reference drug. It needs to be validated and
commercialized after in vivo preclinical trials.
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