Factors Affecting Uptake of Covid 19 Vaccines – A Case of Mbala District, Northern Zambia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.09.04.Art002

Authors : Daniel Sinkala, Ellen Munyati, Karthik A


The desire to control Covid 19 pandemic has continued to exist in the Mbala district of Zambia, with the latest trend showing a significant increase in a number of people testing positive, with a corresponding increase in vaccines (AZ, JJ) hesitancy resulting in a low (2.8 %) vaccination rate in the district. Thus, the need to probe further on covert factors under acceptability (myths, AEFs) and accessibility (vaccines availability, adequacy of vaccination sites) that could be reducing Covid 19 vaccine uptake in Mbala district. The study used a cross-sectional survey, a mixed (quantitative & qualitative) method in eliciting information from data sources covering a period of six months (April – September 2021). In all, 341 research respondents were interviewed through self-administered questionnaires. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression under SPSS v16. Study findings provide sufficient evidence that high myth (89.8%) reduced acceptability levels, while a low number of vaccination sites (59%) reduced accessibility, resulting in a low uptake rate in Mbala district. Therefore, the study recommended; building up of well-financed District Covid 19 task forces with educational aims on acceptability and accessibility, Governments to introduce specific funding lines for Covid 19 vaccination campaign and enshrine it into monthly grants for routine-outreach Covid 19 vaccination services, and Local Governments through the directorate of Public Health to introduce by-laws on mandatory Covid 19 vaccination passports for the public. With proper implementation of all these study recommendations, Covid 19 vaccination coverage rates can increase drastically across all districts of northern Zambia.

Keywords: Acceptability, Accessibility, AEFs, Adequacy, Availability, Covid 19 vaccines, Myth.


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