Job Satisfaction and Quality of Healthcare Delivery: A Cross-Sectional Study in Ogun State Hospitals Management Board, Nigeria

satisfaction is vitally necessary in the daily life of the workforce, and the essential
elements, materials and mechanism that drives job satisfaction demand great attention.
At present, the situation of healthcare workers in the employment of Ogun State
Hospitals Management Board, Nigeria, seems to be less satisfied with the policies
of the healthcare institutions. The study examined job satisfaction and the quality
of healthcare delivery in Ogun State Hospitals Management Board (HMB) in Nigeria.
This study adopted a cross-sectional design method and was conducted among the healthcare
professionals in the study area. A total of 729 copies of a well-structured questionnaire
were administered using a multi-staged sampling technique to obtain information
from all the available healthcare professionals in the study area. Data collected
were analysed using descriptive statistics. Findings of this study revealed that
12.5 % of healthcare professionals in Ogun State Hospitals strongly agreed, 21.9%
moderately, and 32% slightly agreed with the level of satisfaction of the leadership
and management styles. 25.7% of the healthcare professionals disagreed (7.4% strongly,
4.0% moderately and 14.3% slightly) that they would recommend employment in the
study area. The results further revealed that 47.9% of healthcare workers had a
low level of job satisfaction that could lead to many factors. In addendum, 43.6%
of the respondents believed that the healthcare delivery was not low but with moderate
quality. The study concluded that majority of the healthcare workers had low level
of job satisfaction. The quality of healthcare delivery is of medium quality. Finally,
this study recommends that there should be an establishment of health and life insurance
for health workers; improved health infrastructures; conducive work environment
and working conditions; job security; regular and continuous training of healthcare
professionals; and attractive rewards and compensation.
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