Appraisal of Nature of Capacity Building Programs of HIV/AIDS Supply Chain Workforce in Nigeria

This study on appraisal of nature of capacity building programs
of HIV/AIDS supply chain workforce in Nigeria involved cross-sectional observational
design. A pre-tested self-completion structured questionnaire was administered to
422 participants drawn from HIV/AIDS supply chain workforce. The
survey had a response rate of 396(93.8%).
The reliability statistics showed the questionnaire is reliable for nature of capacity
building programs, Cronbach alpha (α = 0.886). On-the-job training was the most
predominant capacity building approach, while task shifting and fellowship program
were the least used. The study revealed nature of capacity building of HIV/AIDS
supply chain workforce comprised of on-the-job training, short courses, residential
training, field-based, work-based, in-service, pre-service and e-learning trainings
as leading strategies and excellent in strengthening HIV/AIDS supply chain workforce
capacity, mean ± standard deviation score (3.774
± 0.9882) on a Likert scale of 1-5 (5-point scale).
Others included collaboration, university-based model, mentorship, task shifting
and fellowship program. Inferential statistics revealed that Managers and Directors
with postgraduate qualification have more benefit from the capacity building programs
(p<0.05). Whilst age, sex and years of experience have no effect on the capacity
building programs of HIV/AIDS supply chain workforce (p>0.05). Chi-square statistic
revealed that nature of capacity building program is a significant factor of HIV/AIDS
supply chain workforce capacity (p<0.05). Effective capacity building programs
are central to the improvement of HIV/AIDS supply chain systems and responsiveness.
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