Effectiveness of Mobile Positive Health Dignity and Prevention Messages on the Attitude of HIV Positive Young Adults receiving Antiretroviral Treatment in Yola, Nigeria

Positive Health, Dignity, and Prevention (PHDP) is a term
for HIV prevention interventions with people living with HIV. Negative attitudes
toward HIV medications may restrict utilization of antiretroviral therapy. Young
adults with HIV are less likely to be adherent to ART. We investigated the effectiveness
of mobile Positive Health Dignity and Prevention messages on the attitudes of HIV
positive young adults (18-30 years) enrolled in care in the ART comprehensive sites
in Yola, Nigeria. This was a randomized
controlled trials study consisting of 371 young people living with HIV enrolled
into antiretroviral treatment (ART) in 6 comprehensive sites in Yola. In addition to the
routine care received during ART refill, the intervention group (186) received a
total of 48 daily mobile PHDP text messages for the duration of 48 days while the
control group (185) also received 48 daily mobile personal hygiene text messages
for the duration of 48 days as placebo. A pre- validated structured questionnaire
was used for data collected. Data was collected at baseline, two, four and six months
respectively. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24. Test of significance
was at α level 0.05. Mean ± SD attitude scores at baseline and 6-month follow-up
were 38.46±4.657 and 40.04±4.943 respectively in the intervention group. The control
group had mean ± SD attitude score of 35.92±4.677 at baseline and 35.88±4.704 at
6-month follow-up period. A repeated measures ANOVA with a Greenhouse-Geisser correction
showed a significant increase in the mean attitude scores from based line to 6 months
follow up differed statistically significantly between the time points (F
(1.162, 210.381) = 155.479 p<0.001) in intervention group. The repeated
ANOVA measures for the control group from baseline to 6 months follow up did not
show a statistical difference between the time points (F (1.906, 343.144)
= 0.950 p=0.384), and indicate no statistically significance was seen. Mobile positive
health dignity and prevention text messages were effective in improving the attitude
of young PLWHA towards ART in Nigeria.
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