Emergency Contraceptives for the Prevention of Unwanted Pregnancy among the Youth in Tamale – Perspective of the Clergy

Adolescent females are
prone to unintended pregnancies due to the sporadic and impromptu sexual intercourse.
Under such circumstances, they are unable to negotiate for safer sex. Emergency
contraceptives is vital in the prevention of unintended pregnancies in such situations,
but religious communities are perceived to resist modern contrasceptive. This study
sought to assess the perspective of the Islamic clergy on the use EC for the prevention
of pregnancy among young the people in the Tamale metropolis of the Northern Region
of Ghana. A qualitative cross-sectional approach was used for this study. An in-depth
interview was conducted involving a total of three clerics, one from each religious
sect of the study area to assess their knowledge of EC and perspective on its use
among the youth. 2 out of the 3 clerics demonstrated good knowledge of EC, including
situations in which it is used and the correct time for use. They were unanimous
in the use of family planning methods for birth control but indicated that it is
the sole preserve of the married. They contended that the hormonal forms including
EC are forbidden in Islam but in situations of forced sex; they had no objection
to its use. Overall EC knowledge and awareness level among the clerics was high
but strongly opposed the use of it for pregnancy prevention in general but raised
no objection to its use in situations of forced sex or incest since they opined
it is no fault of the victim under such circumstances.
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