Breast Self-Examination: Knowledge and Practice Among Female Secondary School Students in Delta State, Nigeria

Breast self-examination
(BSE) is a preventive tool for early identification of breast changes and abnormalities.
This study was aimed at assessing breast self-examination knowledge and practice
among female secondary students in Delta State, Nigeria. This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried
out among female senior secondary school students from selected public schools in
Delta State, Nigeria. This study utilized a self-administered 59-item validated
questionnaire for data collection from 216 consenting female students who volunteered
to take part in the study. The knowledge and practice of breast self-examination
were measured on 33 and 18 points reference scales, respectively. Data were analyzed
using SPSS version 23.0. Frequency, mean, standard deviation and correlation analysis
were reported. All statistical tests were at 5% level of significance.
The mean age of the respondents
was 15.5± 1.11 years. The mean score for knowledge of BSE was 5.8±3.8 while the
mean score for BSE practice was 7.3±2.1. Correlation analysis showed no significant
relationship between knowledge and practice of BSE (p=0.095, R= 0.114). The overall
knowledge and practice of BSE was very poor. This calls for the need to improve
breast self-examination advocacy among the adolescents; training and intervention
programs to improve their knowledge as well as the regular practice of BSE.
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