Mitigating Strategies and its Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic in Ogun State, Nigeria

Globally, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a major public
health problem due to its high virulence associated with communities spreading with
no definitive treatment and untimely death. Various perceptions have been associated
with the COVID-19 pandemic. This study assessed the perception of mitigating strategies
and its challenges regarding COVID-19 among residents in Ogun State, Nigeria. A
descriptive cross-sectional study design using a multi-stage sampling technique
was used to solicit information from 2400 respondents in Ogun State, Nigeria. Data
were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire from 4th to 15th
October 2020. Descriptive statistics were employed for data analysis. Findings
of this study revealed that avoidance of social gathering (23.5%), the use of face
masks (23.3%), and cleaning of hands with sanitizer (22.7) were the most common
mitigation strategies adopted by the respondents in the study area, although full
adherence was low. The most strategies to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 were
suggested by the respondents. These strategies included regular quarantining affected
person(s), practicing basic measures, and going to the hospital with 21.5%, 20.6%,
and 19.7% respectively. The results also showed that going to Churches and Mosques,
inconvenient time of using face masks and restriction from social gathering and
clubbing during COVID-19 pandemic were the most challenges faced in the study area.
This study concludes that there should be more provision of medical supplies and
palliatives for individuals, health education, the enforcement of preventive measures,
and free testing and treatment should receive much recognition.
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