A Synopsis on COVID-19 and Associated Risk Factors: Optimizing Preventive and Clinical Outcomes through Lifestyle Intervention

Since its outbreak in late 2019, Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been ravaging the health system of most countries of
the world. Although many preventive and treatment strategies have been proposed
and implemented to combat the disease, these efforts seem to be insufficient, and
in some cases ineffective. This is evident by the daily rising global incidence
and case fatality of the COVID-19 pandemic. A situation
if not mitigated early will likely crumble the global economy and tilt the world
to an unprecedented global recession. This challenge demands that researchers and
clinicians ask more in-depth questions about the novel coronavirus disease. Aside
from age that has been confirmed to be linearly associated, what are the other possible
socio-demographic and lifestyle-related risk factors that
may be associated with COVID-19? What are the possible factors or comorbid conditions
that may worsen clinical progression and determine the clinical outcome in confirmed
COVID-19 cases? Does the pre-, peri-, or post-morbid lifestyle choices of people
have an impact on COVID-19 preventive and treatment efforts? And how can we use
the knowledge of the associated risk factors, comorbid conditions, and lifestyle
choices of people to improve preventive efforts and clinical management of COVID-19?
Answer to these questions may likely serve as an important guide for policymakers
and clinicians in their design and implementation of COVID-19 targeted preventive
and treatment policies and programs, especially in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
(LMICs). The purpose of this article is to critically review available literature
and provide evidence-based recommendations.
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