The Impact and Aftermath of Coronavirus on Southern African Development Community Consumers

This paper
is all about the impact and aftermath of corona virus (COVID-19) on Southern African
Development Community (SADC) consumers. Major impacts as well as aftermath of COVID-19
were criticized and analyzed thoroughly to give more clarity. The study employed
both qualitative and quantitative research designs, and the study was a descriptive
research of a survey kind of. The targeted population was SADC consumers. The sample
size of 200 consumers was taken from Namibia and South Africa only among other SADC
countries. Questionnaires were drafted distributed and handed to respondents. Primary
data was collected by the means of interviews as well as structured questionnaires,
while Secondary data was collected from journals and by the use of internet. Data
were analyzed and finally presented in a form of tables and pie charts. The two
hypotheses (Null and Alternative) testing were identified, which led to the explanation
of the phenomena. The study concluded that coronavirus is still affecting SADC consumers
but anyway it is a worldwide pandemic and therefore no one knows when it will end.
It was difficult for one to determine the exact outcomes of the aftermath of corona
virus as it was still skyrocketing.
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