Effects of Divorce on Women and Children

Divorce is a legal separation of husband
and wife, leaving each other free to remarry. It is also to break off a marriage
legally. Marriage is a state of being legally joined as husband and wife. A family's
social support is one of the major ways that family positively impacts health. Marriage
is associated with physical health, psychological well-being, and low mortality.
Marriage in particular has been studied in the way it affects health. Marriage is
thought to protect well-being by providing companionship, emotional support, and
economic security. It was also revealed that divorce has psychological and emotional
effects on women. This article review discovered that divorced women and children
experience more social isolation, which makes them end up producing greater feelings
of loneliness, unhappiness, and lower self-esteem. Some psychological and emotional
effects of divorce on women which include factors like; low appetite, reduced physical
energy and strength, chest pain, severe pressure in chest difficulty in hearing,
eye pain, digestive problem, lower abdomen pain, back pain headache, sleeping disturbance,
worthless, suicidal attempt, decreased level of confidence, shocked, feeling of
shame, feeling of sorrow in her heart, worried, anxious, irritated towards her life,
suppressed problem, feeling bad, upset, feeling of miserable life, among other things
as the major emotional and psychological effects of divorce on women.
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