Factors Associated with use of Sexual Enhancers and Erectile Dysfunction Medications among Male Undergraduates Aged 18-35yrs at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Background: Oral
erectile dysfunction medications and sexual enhancers have increasingly been used
among young men without a medical indication. Recreational use of erectile
dysfunction medication (EDMs) and sexual enhancers is associated with risky
sexual behaviour and substance use. In recognition of the sexual health
challenges facing the youth, this study sought to establish the level of
utilization of sexual enhancers and EDMs and factors associated with their use
among the male undergraduates at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology, Kenya.
Methods: A concurrent nested design was used.
It adopted a cross-sectional quantitative study design (through
self-administered questionnaires) and a concurrent qualitative study (through
Focus Group Discussions). Simple random sampling was used to obtain the required
study participants for quantitative data (420 respondents) and convenience
sampling for the qualitative data (48 respondents).
Results: Among the 420 respondents (aged 21.7 ±2.03years),
82.9% (n=348) had heard about EDMs and/or sexual enhancers but only 10 % (n=42)
had used them. There was a significant relationship between EDMs and/or sexual
enhancers use and age (P<0.001), religion (P=0.013), number of sexual
partners (P=0.027), number of ‘one-night’ stands (P=0.003), and use of condom
or knowledge of partner’s status before intercourse (P=0.011).
Conclusion: The prevalence of EDMs and/or sexual enhancers’ use among the
students was 10%. Risky sexual behaviour and substance abuse including alcohol
consumption was associated with EDMs and/or sexual enhancers’ use. The
university social environment influenced sexual risk behaviour. Continuous awareness
campaigns aimed at educating undergraduate students about the risks involved in
the recreational use of EDMs and/or sexual enhancers should be done.
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