Factors Influencing Client Satisfaction with Hospital Services at St. Stephens Hospital Mpererwe Private Not for Profit General Hospital in Uganda

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.03.Art024

Authors : Emmanuel Higenyi


Purpose: The study sought to determine the factors that influence client satisfaction with health services at St. Stephen’s Hospital Mpererwe. The study determined the level of client satisfaction, the factors associated with client satisfaction, and variation of client satisfaction across touch points within the hospital.

Methodology: This was a cross-section descriptive hospital-based study. Data was collected from a sample of 100 clients using exit interview method.

Results: The client satisfaction index was 83.9% and net promoter score 76%. The number of prior visits, waiting time, hospital charges, and age of the client were significantly associated with client satisfaction as was assistance to client and professional conduct at key touch points. Client satisfaction at individual touch points was also significantly associated with overall client satisfaction. There was no significant association between gender, religion, and marital status, level of education and means of travel with client satisfaction.

Conclusion and Recommendations: Experience of clients with service at the various touchpoints is important as it has direct implications on the overall level of client satisfaction with hospital services. Touch point monitoring is crucial for improvement of services.


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